At this time of year the snowdrops tempt us out into the garden to enjoy them and also to see what else is emerging as winter days are lengthening. No snow here (yet!) but it was dry and so a train to see the snowdrops was needed.
Sir Theodore stopped with the up train for passengers to admire the “giant snowdrops” along the line side, before heading on to the top station. On the return trip another pause was made, for the benefit of passengers on the other side of the coaches.
Mike Barton
Love the ‘giant snowdrops’. Scale planting is all very well, but you can’t deny it’s a spectacle we’d all rush to see if there were plants 19x as high as usual! The sight of a train running through a real garden is what I particularly like. I am also impressed by how you keep your ivy under control! As ever, a treat to get these glimpses of your scenic line, Mike.